
Who we are

This Privacy Policy informs users of eAcademy LMS of the policies and processes concerning the collection, use, and disclosure of personal data derived from academic administrators, and enrolled students within the This Privacy Policy is directed at the data shared with us, this Privacy Policy elucidates our actions with how we share it, and how we handle the content placed. It also outlines the rights and options available to users regarding their personal data, as well as instructions on accessing and revising such information.

We at the eAcademy LMS respect and value your privacy. We believe that you are entitled to know how we use and protect your personal information. We give the notice to inform you of the ways in which we process your personal information and the means by which you can control, to a certain extent of these processes.

This Privacy Policy applies exclusively to information collected in connection to the website and the services provided by eAcademy LMS. It does not extend to any external websites or services, which may be accessible through the services provided by eAcademy LMS, including those accessed through the website. Such external websites or services may adopt data collection and use practices and policies that deviate significantly from the principles outlined in this Privacy Policy.

By visiting eAcademy LMS websites, accessing or otherwise using any eAcademy LMS products or services, or by otherwise providing personal information to Academy LMS, you accept and consent to the practices described in this Privacy Policy.

Information We Collect About You

We collect and store the personal information that is provided by you, or on your behalf, when you use this website or any of the products or services that are available through this website (including when you create an account or other registration through the website or any associated services), or when you contact or transact with us for any other purpose, including if you complete any surveys associated with the website or our services. The personal information we collect may include your name, contact information, payment card and account details, IP addresses, product and service selections and orders or other things that identify you individually.

When you create any account or registration, or enter into any transaction, on behalf of another person on this website, we will request personal information about that individual. You must obtain the consent of other individuals prior to providing us with their personal information and you must ensure that such individuals are aware of and accept this Privacy Policy.

Wherever it is lawful and practicable, we will endeavor to provide you with the option of not identifying yourself or not providing personal information when entering into transactions with us. However, failure to provide the full and complete information we request may mean that we are unable to provide the relevant product, services, or assistance to you or any other person for whom you are acting.

This is a general audience website and does not offer services directed to children. eAcademy LMS does not knowingly collect or maintain personal information from persons under 13 years of age. Upon discovering that a website user is below the age of 13 or identifying the acquisition of personal information from individuals under 13 years of age lacking verifiable parental consent, we will take steps to promptly delete such personal information.

Use of Personal Information

The information we collect serves several general objectives, including but not limited to: processing service requests; delivering products and services to you and/or any other person for whom you are acting; processing payments; communicating with you; providing access to secure areas of the website or other eAcademy LMS services; for the purposes of direct marketing, including to conduct market research and to recommend products or services that might be of interest to you; to personalize your visit to our website; and to enable us to review, develop and continually improve the products and services we provide. We also use this information to aid in the prevention and detection of fraud or misuse of our website and services and assist third parties in executing technical, logistical, or other functions on our behalf. By furnishing your information, you implicitly consent to each of the types of use described in this Privacy Policy.

We may ask visitors to enter credit card or account information in order to process orders for products and services. The financial information provided via our website is transmitted over a secure connection. Credit card numbers are used only for processing payments and are not used for any other purposes.

We use web visit information to measure interest in and develop our web pages and marketing plans, to customize the content you view on your visits based on your activity on past visits, and to administer our website.

When you visit our website, create an account or otherwise participate in any courses, details are recorded about your visit, such as time and date, your server address, pages accessed, time spent and browser type. This information is used in an anonymous form for statistical purposes and as such cannot identify you individually.

We use Cookies to identify your browser so that next time you visit our website we remember your login details. A Cookie is a small file on your computer containing information enabling our website to recognize your browser. If you do not wish to use Cookies, you can adjust the settings on your browser to reject Cookies or notify you when they are being used.

Disclosure of Personal Information

Personal information we gather is for internal use only, however, we may disclose your information to the following entities:

Third-party suppliers: who provide services or functions on our behalf, including (but not limited to) credit card processing, business analytics, customer service, marketing, and fraud prevention. Third-party providers access and collect information solely to fulfill their designated responsibilities and are strictly prohibited from sharing or employing the data for any alternative intentions.

Business partners: with whom we may jointly offer products or services.

Related companies: within the eAcademy LMS corporate group. To the extent that our related companies have access to your information, they will follow practices that are at least as restrictive as the practices described in this Privacy Policy.

By providing us with your information, you consent to each of the types of disclosure described in this Privacy Policy. Please note that we do not control the privacy practices of Course Instructors or any third-party business partners.

We may also disclose personal information in the following circumstances:

Where required by law in the good faith belief that disclosure is necessary to comply with applicable laws or legal processes or to respond to any regulatory authority.

In instances where we believe it is suitable to inquire into, prevent, or initiate measures against activities that are unlawful or suspected to be so; or to safeguard and uphold the rights, assets, or well-being of eAcademy LMS, the website, or any other parties, while also aligning with our terms of use and additional agreements.

In connection with a corporate transaction, such as a sale of a subsidiary or a division, merger, consolidation, or asset sale.

To assist with industry efforts to control fraud, spam or other undesirable conduct. This may include exchanging information with other companies and organizations for the purposes of fraud protection and credit risk reduction.

We also may share aggregate or anonymous information with third parties, including advertisers and investors. For example, we may tell investors the number of visitors our websites receive or the number of times their courses are viewed. This information does not contain any personal information and is used to develop content and services we hope you will find of interest and to audit the efficacy of our advertising.

If we wish to give your contact or personal information to a third party under any other circumstances not described in this Privacy Policy, we will notify you and give you a chance to opt-out.

How Long We Store Your Information

We retain your data for as long as necessary for the purpose(s) it was collected. Storage of your data is also determined by legal, regulatory, administrative or operational requirements. We retain solely the information necessary to comply to legal and regulatory requests for specific data, fulfill business and auditing prerequisites, address complaints and inquiries, and handle any potential disputes or claims that might arise.

Data that is not retained is securely destroyed when it is identified that is no longer needed for the purposes for which it was collected.

Sharing With Social Networks

If we provide you with the ability to log in or create an account using a social network, such as Facebook or Twitter, you consent to the relevant social network sharing with us your user information. This may include your name, email address, location, and profile picture.

If we provide you with the functionality to share or otherwise publish any of your interactions with our website or a Course Instructor to any social network (for example, by providing an application that allows you to post any course results to Facebook), you acknowledge and agree that such post or publication is beyond the control of eAcademy LMS, and the privacy policy of the relevant social network governs the collection and use of the information shared with that site.

Sensitive Information

We will not intentionally collect or maintain, and do not wish for you to provide to us with, any sensitive information including, but not limited to, racial or ethnic origin, religious affiliations, sexual preferences or health information.

Areas Beyond Our Control

Links to non-eAcademy LMS websites

We may provide links to third-party websites for your convenience and information. The privacy practices of those sites may differ from eAcademy LMS practices and are not controlled by eAcademy LMS or covered by this Privacy Policy. We do not make any representations about third-party websites. It is your responsibility to review their privacy practices before submitting your personal information.

Public forums

The website may encompass interactive platforms like blogs, message boards, and discussion forums. Any information in these spaces becomes public domain, and we advise you to exercise caution when opting to share personal information. eAcademy LMS bears no responsibility for the exposure of your personal or other information due to your engagement in such public forums, whether displayed openly by you or made public through your actions.

Security of the Information We Collect

eAcademy LMS recognizes its responsibilities under the Data Protection Act to prevent the loss, improper use, disruption, and unauthorized access, alteration, or sharing of personal information in our custody. We use diverse security measures, tailored to the nature of the data, which encompass encryption, firewalls, and access controls, to safeguard the personal information we gather.

Right to Access Your Personal Information

You have certain rights available to you, these include:

  • The right to access your personal information held by us. Your right of access can be exercised by sending an email to
  • The right to rectify inaccurate or incomplete information.
  • Withdraw consent for processing in cases where consent has previously been given.
  • Restrict or object to processing your personal data. We might continue to process your data if there are valid legal or operational reasons.

Complaints Procedure

If you wish to complain about the manner in which we have handled your personal information, please contact us by email at

Governing Law

This Privacy Policy is governed by the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. You agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that state.

Changes to the Privacy Statement

We urge you to regularly review this Privacy Policy, as occasional revisions may be made. Any changes to the Privacy Policy will become effective upon the posting of an updated version on this website.